DVD Pro Blu-Ray Media Player

VCD, DVD, Blu-ray and other full format support!
Why choose Our DVD Players?

Supports all formats

Our DVD player is the ultimate device for enhancing your home entertainment experience.With the ability to play all your favorite formats, including VCD, DVD, and Blu-ray, you can enjoy the highest quality viewing experience.

Easy to use

Our player also offers a range of convenient functions, including the ability to play, pause, rewind, fast forward, and skip through your content. You can easily store and access recently played or favorite content for hassle-free viewing.

High-quality video

With our player, you can open any disc, video file, or video disc folder, and choose to view in full-screen mode, standard mode, or any other desired format. Volume adjustments offer custom audio levels to suit your needs and preferences.

User-friendly interface

This DVD player has a user-friendly interface, multi-core decoding for efficient playback, and dual-core performance up to 70% better than single-core devices.


I’m using for .WAV files, and it picks up audio files that VLC & Apples Files app refuse to play. It’s containing no ads. Loaded with features such as great sound quality, simplistic use with a refined look. Very impressed with the wholistic media style of this app. Highly Rec!


I use this app to watch all the videos I like, in any format, and it works just fine Incredibly rich features and all the fun settings imo that other apps don't have Play your DVD files or files recorded on any camera. Just get it, no problem, it's the best.


Thank you very much for everything ,your great app and your customer support service ❤️Thank you very much of app writer. Very very nice player 👍👍👍👍👍 thanks of all team app writers and team support. I wish a good day and best time for all.


Awesome new interface. It used to take between 10-20seconds to start a video file and scrubbing/skipping forward or backward had noticeable latency - now that’s all gone, everything is near instantaneous! Scrubbing is amazing to find a specific point in a video quickly!

Lou Sasole