Privacy Policy

XINGLIHUI attaches great importance to the privacy protection of users, and promises to do its best to protect your personal information, ensuring that you can enjoy the safest and most reassured services when using our app. This privacy policy specifies the protection of user personal privacy for all XINGLIHUI-owned apps.

1. User Privacy

All XINGLIHUI-owned apps will make every effort to protect user privacy, and information collection will only be used to optimize and improve software and websites. We will not share your personal information with any third-party platform. We will take technical measures and management systems that can ensure information security to ensure that personal information is not lost, leaked, abused, or altered.

2. How User Information is Processed

In order to provide better service, XINGLIHUI may collect some information unrelated to the user's identity, such as device models, operating systems, and geographic locations. This information will only be used to optimize the user experience and improve the product, and will not be used for any other commercial purposes. XINGLIHUI guarantees that it will not disclose this information to third parties.

When a user registers and provides necessary personal information such as nicknames, genders, and regions, XINGLIHUI will use this information only for locating users and improving the social experience. If the app requires you to provide personal information, we will state our purpose and obtain the explicit consent of the user.

At the same time, we will anonymize user personal data and use the anonymized data without being bound by this policy.

3. How We Collect User Information

All XINGLIHUI-owned apps will access storage files or systems on the device to obtain necessary device information, user information, and App-required customized information. For example, we may collect the user's location, avatar, background images, etc. in the use of the App to improve service quality, but only within the scope required to provide services.

In addition, we also use some analytical tools, such as Google Analytics, to help us collect data, and analyze user usage patterns to ensure that our services can continuously improve according to user needs.

4. Legal Basis

All XINGLIHUI-owned apps will strictly protect user personal information in accordance with the latest relevant laws and regulations. If we need to disclose your personal information publicly, we will obtain your explicit consent, unless otherwise required by law or judicial authorities.

5. Storage Period of Personal Data, Users Can Delete Personal Information Themselves

Under standard circumstances, XINGLIHUI will assist users in deleting personal data and provide clear storage period explanations to enable users to manage data autonomously. If we no longer need this information, we will delete it from our internal data system or cloud platform.

During the storage period of personal data, we will update, correct, or delete relevant information according to the user's request. Before processing the request, we need to verify your identity and relevant information.

6. Storage and Security

We will carefully manage your personal data to protect the security of your personal data through network transmission and storage.

We will implement necessary measures in terms of technology and management to ensure that user information will not be lost, abused, or accessed, disclosed, modified or destroyed without authorization.

We also adopt physical, electronic, and administrative security measures to protect the security of the information we collect, store, and process so as to protect personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, abuse, alteration, or damage.

7. Cookies

We use cookies to help us provide the services you need and improve the quality of our services. Cookies can tell us when you visit our website, guide you on how to customize services, and provide you with a better user experience. By using our services, you agree that we may use cookies. In addition to the above information, we also want to provide users with more information about cookies:

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device to track your internet activity. Cookies exist to improve the efficiency and quality of internet services and to customize our services to meet your more personalized needs. You can control the use of cookies in browser settings, and if you disable cookies, it may affect the use of certain websites and services.

We will not use cookies for other purposes such as advertising and marketing, and we only access cookies that have been authorized by the user. We will follow the relevant standards and regulations to ensure the legitimate use of cookies and strictly limit their use.

Therefore, we hope that users understand cookies, their functions, and how to control their use in browser settings. We are committed to protecting user privacy and personal data, and have obtained the necessary legal authorization to use cookies. If you have any questions about our cookie policy, please feel free to contact us. We will provide you with corresponding information and assistance.