Heic2JPEG - Quality lossless photo converter

Efficient conversion makes images more convenient! Take your life to the next level and showcase your most beautiful photos!
Features Learn more about Heic2JPEG

Simple and powerful image converter

With a simple operation and powerful functionality, Heic2JPEG does not take up system memory and can run without lag even on low-configured devices.

Not to be disturbed

Heic2JPEG does not require an internet connection and operates locally without any ads, ensuring a smooth experience for users.

High quality

With advanced conversion technology, Heic2JPEG maintains the original high resolution and outputs high-quality images that showcase their beauty.

File management

Heic2JPEG provides automatic renaming features, which makes it convenient for users to manage their files, saving time and effort.

High efficiency

Heic2JPEG quickly and efficiently converts images at lightning speeds, which saves time and reduces wait times for users. With its powerful performance and user-friendly design, Heic2JPEG sets the bar high for image converters.

User Reviews

Easy and user friendly!

Teri Burnette

So easy that even I (Mr. Low Tech) can use it! Thanks!!!!!


Did exactly what they said it would and it’s easy to use.


I can finally view my iphone photos with my windows, thanks a lot!


When I first opened it, the interface was so simple that I doubted its functionality, but after using it, I realized that I misunderstood it, amazing picture converter! It is a very good tool!


Saved me 2 days of time, thank you very much


Great! Best converter for Heic into images.


I had no problem with the app and it did a great job.


It was seriously so easy to use. I spent 45 minutes trying to figure out how to change a HEIC image to a jpeg and if I would have downloaded this app first it would have saved me so much time. Definitely try this app out!!!

Lending Queen